Welcome to Ladybug playground books. In this page, you will find listed all the releases. Find coloring books, activity books and ABC books. All the books are self-published by the Author and Illustrator Manel Drareni. You can order them on Amazon by clicking the country of your choice: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, USA.
The books of Ladybug playground are for kids. They can be used as educational tools by parents and teachers.
Every illustration is carefully curated to make learning a fun experience.
The world of Ladybug playground is fun and joyful.
Not only that, it is inclusive and try to represent our society by normalize people's differences.
In each book, a moral. Inspiring, educating and entertaining are the missions of Ladybug playground's world.
Make yourself at home and enjoy.
Le livre "Rêves d'Objets" raconte l'histoire captivante de trois objets oubliés dans un garage : un pot cassé, un morceau de tissu orné d'un unique motif et une vieille table en bois. Leur rencontre avec un livre spécial, le "Livre de l'Économie", leur révèle l'importance de la réparation, de la transformation et de la préservation des objets. Autrefois, ces pratiques étaient valorisées, mais le fléau du gaspillage a changé les habitudes. Guidés par le livre, les objets se réparent et retrouvent leur beauté d'antan, ce qui suscite l'admiration des humains. Grâce aux enseignements du livre, ces derniers apprennent à préserver la planète et à réaliser des économies. Une histoire inspirante qui encourage la réflexion sur notre manière de consommer et son impact sur l'environnement.
"Rêves d'Objets" offre une belle opportunité d'enseigner aux enfants des valeurs importantes telles que la réparation, la réutilisation et la préservation de l'environnement à travers une histoire captivante. Le livre de l'économie joue un rôle crucial en transmettant ces leçons essentielles de manière ludique et accessible. En encourageant les enfants à réfléchir à la durabilité et à l'importance de prendre soin des objets, ce projet pourrait avoir un impact positif sur leur façon de voir le monde et leur comportement quotidien.
Par Manel Drareni /édité par Sabrina Khelil / publié par Ladybug playground
First issue of the series "I'm a little artist". Ideal for young children 4-8 years old, at the age of exploring their imagination. Each page includes a suggested color palette and a little example of the colored animal. Simple drawing with thick and bold lines. This coloring book includes a tiger in a wheelchair to introduce the idea of acceptance of the difference in society.
Second issue of the series "I'm a little artist". Ideal for young children 4-8 years old, at the age of dreaming about their future job. Each page includes a color palette and a small depiction of the colored unicorn. The drawings are simple, drawn in thick and bold lines. At the end of the book, find fun activities to cut out: images of unicorns, fun letters, playful numbers and a drawing activity.
Use the cut outs to decorate journals, rooms, etc. Put the letters together to write children's names, pet names, or favorite jobs! This coloring book is inclusive and aim to reflect the diversity among people in their professions. The drawings include an amputee athlete and a blind lawyer.
📘 🇬🇧 ENGLISH > Order "Coloring Book for Kids Unicorn Jobs"
📕 🇳🇱 NEDERLANDS > Bestel "Kleurboek voor Kinderen Eenhoorn Banen"
The Joyful Animal Alphabet Book is the first of a series called “ABC books”. They are a pre-elementary educational tool which teaches the complete alphabet to toddlers and preschoolers. Alphabet books help children notice and recognize letters. As they grow, they begin to realize how important letters are in language. As a parent, you can help your child develop by reading aloud and introducing the sounds of letters and animal names.
From A to Z - Alphabet with animal illustration. The illustrations are soft, fun, amusing and simple. Why use an alphabet book with illustrations?
• Create a visual connection
• Teach phonics
• Build vocabulary
See this book as a great way to have your kid feel included during Ramadan. Even though little kids don’t fast, they can still start to experience the joyful spirit of this month. Although Ramadan is a religious practice for adults, our little ones still want to participate and be involved in the holy month of Ramadan. With this activity book, see your kids start to develop a love and appreciation for their culture and identity.
Ramadan is a holy month, but culture can be celebrated as well. Islam is surrounded by a rich culture, healthy lifestyle and vibrant heritage. This book is full of children’s games with these ideas and symbols. These include themes and concepts such as:
The phases of the moon / Prayer mats / Cultural foods / Family / Kindness / Patience. 📗 🇬🇧 ENGLISH > Order "Ramadan Activity Book"
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